Friday, May 29, 2009

The Chrysalis

All around us living creatures are in the process of becoming. As a student, I learned about the pupa stage of butterflies from a wonderful third grade teacher. I remember holding fuzzy caterpillars in the spring. Then later in the spring, the wonderful butterflies emerged from their drab brown cocoons. I wonder if the butterflies know how delicate and gorgeous they are.

Lately this spring season, I have begun to notice more than butterflies' transformations. For example, some young girls undergo a metamorphosis between those cute little third grade years to high school years, and for others, the internal and external change varies.

This period of change shows in the rituals of dress ups, slumber parties, first dances, etc.

Is the butterfly aware of its transformation?

Does it know the time of its life span or bask in the warm sunlight? Does it know that the fourth generation will enjoy a longer life than the three previous generations?

Who will travel south to live triple the normal span of its kin Monarchs?

No, the butterfly does not realize the stage of its life, and humans do not realize the transformation of themselves until it has passed. I doubt the butterfly ever says,
"if I could live my life over and know what I know now." Perhaps the key to living is to enjoy the process of growing and becoming.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

With a Little Help from Our Friends and Family

Community is the lifeblood of support. Community may be our family, our friends, our fellow workers as well as those who share common interests. For example, a reader of our blog shared some really great pictures of the graduation. With all gratitude to Minister Mike, who shot these great photos with a super great camera and an even greater and talented eye, here is what the future holds. Some hope for our country rests in the simple job of raising a child to his or her fullest potential.

Sincerity of Purpose

Community of Friends

Those who embrace the challenges
of the world and prepare to
improve it.

Recognition for a job well done provides the encouragement to walk the road less traveled.

The Ever-Caring Force of Love, who sacrifice to make life safe, sane, loving and joyous.

The Closeness of a Sister

All these blessings exist because of community when we share with those around us. Yes, it does take a village to raise a child, but a community of love enriches all who walk this Earth.

Graduation 2009

Graduation is always a time of reflection and celebration. Growing in years, I have discovered that this process begins as children when we attend the formal occasions of our relatives. When little, we can hardly see anything but the upper torsos of adults surrounding us.

Times passes and we get to move farther up in the seating. Now we can see our classmates and our administrators and guest speakers. We feel a happiness and lightness in our moment. We can stop and pause and think about the time passed, but not for very long. Before we know it we are back in the audience watching one of our children following the same path. Perhaps this time, we gulp and stifle a wet tear and wonder where has the time gone.

Yet nothing can touch the moment of watching your adult children share the same path you have walked. As I watch my granddaughter make her way to the stage, I now reflect on not only how quickly the time has passed but also the thankfulness of sharing this special moment in life.